Oberpfalz TV online - Television live

Oberpfalz TV Live Stream
Discover Oberpfalz TV (OTV) - your regional channel from Amberg for the counties Amberg-Sulzbach, Schwandorf, Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Tirschenreuth, Neumarkt i.d.OPf. (northern part) and the independent cities Amberg and Weiden. Don't miss any news and information from your region - watch the live stream and experience OTV online!
Oberpfalz TV (OTV) is a regional television station based in Amberg, which provides people in the counties of Amberg-Sulzbach, Schwandorf, Neustadt an der Waldnaab, Tirschenreuth, Neumarkt i.d.OPf. (northern part) as well as the independent cities of Amberg and Weiden with current news and information. The station is one of the most important media providers in the Upper Palatinate and is an indispensable source of information for local people.
OTV's programming is fed into the aforementioned regions via the cable network and can thus be received by residents directly in their households. In addition, OTV can be received via satellite, which further extends the station's reach. By broadcasting in HD quality, viewers are offered a razor-sharp, high-quality television experience.
Oberpfalz TV's daily programming always begins at 5:45 p.m. and offers comprehensive coverage of local and regional events. In addition to news, the program also includes informative and entertaining features on various topics such as culture, sports, business and society.
Of particular importance is OTV's program, which runs on the cable channel from 6:00 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. Monday through Friday. Here, current topics from the region are once again presented in a compact and clear manner, giving viewers a comprehensive overview of what is happening in their home region.
With its presence and high-quality content, Oberpfalz TV makes a significant contribution to strengthening regional awareness and identification with the Upper Palatinate. The station is an important information channel for local people and serves as a platform for local concerns and events. Through its dedicated reporting, OTV makes a valuable contribution to the media landscape in the Upper Palatinate and promotes a sense of belonging in the region.