Public Sénat online - Television live

Public Sénat Live Stream
Watch the "Public Sénat" TV channel in live streaming and take advantage of the possibility to watch TV online. Follow political and parliamentary news in real time with captivating programs and debates. Never miss an important event again, and stay informed wherever you are. Take a behind-the-scenes look at the Senate and other French institutions with our rich and varied programming. Plunge into the heart of democratic debate and enrich your knowledge of political life with Public Sénat.
Public Sénat is a television channel dedicated to political and parliamentary news, with the aim of helping citizens better understand the impact of these events on our territories. Created on March 21, 2000, the channel is part of the French audiovisual landscape, and plays an important role in broadcasting political news.
Like its sister channel, the National Assembly, Public Sénat is placed under the responsibility of elected representatives and is not directly subject to the control of the Conseil supérieur de l'audiovisuel (CSA). This gives it a degree of editorial independence and enables it to offer varied, in-depth content on political subjects.
Public Sénat's mission is to question current political and parliamentary affairs, making them easier for viewers to understand. With debates, interviews, documentaries and reports, the channel offers comprehensive, objective coverage of political events in France.
The channel broadcasts 24 hours a day over the Internet and set-top boxes, enabling viewers to follow political news at any time. What's more, Public Sénat is broadcast alternately with LCP Assemblée nationale on DTT channel 13, giving it a high public profile.
Thanks to its television format, Public Sénat manages to make complex political and parliamentary subjects accessible. Debates and interviews enable viewers to hear different opinions and form their own views on current affairs.
The channel also offers special programs during major political events, such as presidential elections or important parliamentary debates. This enables viewers to follow key moments in French political life live.
In short, Public Sénat is a television channel that plays an essential role in broadcasting political and parliamentary news in France. Thanks to its varied, objective programming, it enables citizens to gain a better understanding of the political issues impacting our territories. Whether on the Internet, cable boxes or television, Public Sénat offers comprehensive, accessible coverage of political news.