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[예고] 7000 미라클 (예수사랑여기에) | 이수용 목사 | 3월 4일 방송
[예고] 7000 미라클 (예수사랑여기에) | 이수용 목사 | 3월 4일 방송
온세대 예배의 중요성 | 장경헌 목사 | 내가매일기쁘게
온세대 예배의 중요성 | 장경헌 목사 | 내가매일기쁘게
[예고] 7000 미라클 (열방을 향하여) | 장현수 선교사 | 3월 3일 방송
[예고] 7000 미라클 (열방을 향하여) | 장현수 선교사 | 3월 3일 방송
[CTS특집] 나는 한국産 미국인입니다, 한부선 선교사 2부 | 3.1운동 100주년 기념 다큐멘터리
[CTS특집] 나는 한국産 미국인입니다, 한부선 선교사 2부 | 3.1운동 100주년 기념 다큐멘터리
[CTS 한국교회를 논하다] 526회ㅣ달라진 캠퍼스, 새로운 선교 전략은?
[CTS 한국교회를 논하다] 526회ㅣ달라진 캠퍼스, 새로운 선교 전략은?

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CTS Live Stream

Watch CTS live stream and enjoy your favorite television programs online. Stay connected with the latest shows and events on this popular TV channel.
CTS Christian Television System (CTS Christian Television System) is a prominent Protestant cable broadcaster that has been making waves in the world of Christian broadcasting since its establishment on December 1, 1995. It holds the distinction of being the first Christian TV station in Korea, and its impact on the community has been immense.

The birth of CTS Christian Television System can be traced back to the inauguration of the civilian government in 1993. With the new government came a policy to promote cable TV, which was announced through the Ministry of Public Information. This policy opened up new avenues for television broadcasting, and CTS Christian Television System seized the opportunity to make its mark.

At the time of its establishment, CTS Christian Television System was one of three organizations that set the principle of one religion, one channel. The Protestant Cable Broadcasting Agency, which had CBS and the Torchlight Mission as its parent organizations, was at the forefront of this movement. These organizations recognized the power of television as a medium to spread the message of Christianity and submitted their applications to become cable broadcasters.

One of the key features that sets CTS Christian Television System apart from traditional broadcasters is its live stream capability. This means that viewers can watch television online and experience the programming in real-time. This innovation has revolutionized the way people consume television content, allowing them to tune in to their favorite shows or events from anywhere in the world. The live stream feature has enabled CTS Christian Television System to reach a global audience and connect with viewers on a deeper level.

CTS Christian Television System offers a diverse range of programming that caters to the needs and interests of its viewers. From sermons and worship services to talk shows and documentaries, the channel covers a wide spectrum of Christian content. The programming is designed to educate, inspire, and entertain, making it a valuable resource for believers and non-believers alike.

In addition to its regular programming, CTS Christian Television System also airs special events and live broadcasts. These events can be anything from conferences and seminars to concerts and worship gatherings. By providing live coverage of these events, CTS Christian Television System allows viewers to participate in the experience from the comfort of their homes. This has been particularly valuable during times when physical attendance is not possible, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The impact of CTS Christian Television System extends beyond the boundaries of television broadcasting. The channel actively engages with its audience through social media platforms, creating an online community of like-minded individuals. This community provides a space for viewers to connect, share their thoughts, and find support in their faith journey. It also serves as a platform for CTS Christian Television System to promote its programming and reach new audiences.

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