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Ocean TV
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Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Мария Алексеева ("Абсолют- Тур")
Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Мария Алексеева ("Абсолют- Тур")
Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Максим Морозов "Дом Тайменя"
Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Максим Морозов "Дом Тайменя"
Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Клим Колосов, редактор журнала "Предельная глубина"
Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Клим Колосов, редактор журнала "Предельная глубина"
Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Андрей Стремберг, инструктор по фридайвингу
Диалоги на Moscow Dive Show — Андрей Стремберг, инструктор по фридайвингу

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Ocean TV Live Stream

Ocean TV is your live stream to the world of entertainment and information. Watch TV online and enjoy a wide range of programs, series and movies right at home!
Ocean TV is the first Russian-language TV channel dedicated to the World Ocean and the history of the relationship between man and the sea. Having launched its broadcasting on December 4, 2007, it was recognized as unique and unusual in its subject matter. However, despite this, just a few months after its launch, the channel won the hearts of viewers of all ages and interests.

One of the main reasons for the popularity of Ocean TV was the fact that it not only told about the world of oceans and its inhabitants, but also offered unique and exciting stories about the relationship between man and the sea. After all, the oceans have always attracted humans with their mystery, beauty and power. History shows that they have played a huge role in people's lives, culture, economy and exploration. Ocean TV took up this theme and talked about the importance of the oceans to mankind.

The channel offered viewers a wide range of programs that included documentaries, live broadcasts of expeditions and scientific research, programs about marine animals and plants, and historical material about navigation and the discovery of new lands. Due to the variety of content, Ocean TV was interesting not only to sea and ocean lovers, but also to a wide audience of viewers.

In addition, the channel actively used new technologies and offered the opportunity to watch TV online. This greatly expanded viewing opportunities for viewers, allowing them to enjoy their favorite programs anytime and anywhere. Live coverage of marine expeditions and explorations allowed viewers to immerse themselves in the amazing world of the oceans right from their homes.

Ocean TV's coverage area included all of Russia and the CIS countries, allowing many people to enjoy the channel's unique content.

Ocean TV Watch Live Streaming now online

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