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一场风味之旅,一段冰雪奇缘,一次奇幻漂流......当外国人遇上中国年,看他们N种玩法嗨翻天 | LIVE NOW
一场风味之旅,一段冰雪奇缘,一次奇幻漂流......当外国人遇上中国年,看他们N种玩法嗨翻天 | LIVE NOW
学习制作黄馍馍、熬冬、品尝刀什哈、参加藏族女孩成人礼......她们体验到了怎样的中国年?| LIVE NOW
学习制作黄馍馍、熬冬、品尝刀什哈、参加藏族女孩成人礼......她们体验到了怎样的中国年?| LIVE NOW
吃完年夜饭,“过”年的中国人都在忙啥?拜年、祭祀、 赶庙会、送年礼、迎破五、元宵赏灯......狂欢或许是正月永恒的主题 | LIVE NOW
吃完年夜饭,“过”年的中国人都在忙啥?拜年、祭祀、 赶庙会、送年礼、迎破五、元宵赏灯......狂欢或许是正月永恒的主题 | LIVE NOW
太“忙”了!剪窗花、贴年画、打糍粑、做花馍、贴春联、包饺子、放爆竹......中国人的“忙年”从腊月初八就开始了 | LIVE NOW
太“忙”了!剪窗花、贴年画、打糍粑、做花馍、贴春联、包饺子、放爆竹......中国人的“忙年”从腊月初八就开始了 | LIVE NOW
太热闹了!醒狮、灯笼、年画、铜鼓、烟花......中国人春节狂欢的仪式感在这些非遗文化中具象化了 | LIVE NOW
太热闹了!醒狮、灯笼、年画、铜鼓、烟花......中国人春节狂欢的仪式感在这些非遗文化中具象化了 | LIVE NOW

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CCTV-4 Live Stream

Watch television online with CCTV-4's live stream. Stay updated on the latest news, entertainment, and cultural programs from China's premier TV channel.
China Central Television's Chinese International Channel, also known as CCTV-4, is a prominent television channel that primarily broadcasts in Mandarin Chinese. Owned by China Central Television (CCTV), this channel reaches audiences in Asia, Europe, and America. It serves as the main platform for CCTV's overseas Chinese viewers, as well as those residing in Hong Kong, Macau, and Taiwan. Remarkably, it also boasts a significant viewership within mainland China.

One of the key advantages of CCTV-4 is its ability to provide a live stream of its content, allowing viewers to watch television online. This feature has become increasingly popular in recent years, as more people are opting for digital platforms to consume their favorite TV shows and programs. By offering a live stream, CCTV-4 ensures that its audience can access its content anytime, anywhere, as long as they have an internet connection.

CCTV-4 offers a diverse range of programs, catering to the interests and preferences of its viewers. From engaging documentaries and captivating music shows to up-to-date news coverage and compelling drama series, the channel leaves no stone unturned in its quest to entertain and inform its audience. Additionally, CCTV-4 also features a wide array of sports events and children's shows, making it a comprehensive channel suitable for viewers of all ages.

The significance of CCTV-4 extends beyond its entertainment value. It serves as a vital link between the Chinese diaspora and their homeland. With a focus on overseas Chinese communities, the channel helps bridge the gap between different regions and cultures. By providing relevant and engaging content, CCTV-4 ensures that its viewers stay connected to their roots, even when they are far away from home.

Furthermore, CCTV-4 plays a crucial role in promoting Chinese culture and language worldwide. Mandarin Chinese, being one of the most widely spoken languages globally, gains further prominence through the channel's broadcasts. By showcasing Chinese traditions, customs, and values, CCTV-4 fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of Chinese culture among its viewers.

In recent years, the popularity of CCTV-4 has soared, not only among its target audience but also among a broader spectrum of viewers. Its compelling content and live stream feature have attracted viewers from various backgrounds who are eager to explore and understand Chinese culture. This growing viewership is a testament to the channel's ability to captivate and engage a diverse audience.

In conclusion, China Central Television's Chinese International Channel, CCTV-4, is a significant platform that broadcasts in Mandarin Chinese to audiences across Asia, Europe, and America. With its live stream feature, viewers can watch television online, ensuring easy access to the channel's diverse range of programs. CCTV-4 not only entertains but also serves as a vital link between the Chinese diaspora and their homeland. By promoting Chinese culture and language, the channel fosters a greater understanding and appreciation of China's rich heritage. Its growing popularity is a testament to its ability to captivate a diverse audience and bridge cultural divides.

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