România TV online - Television live

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România TV
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România TV Live Stream

Watch live Romania TV - the TV channel that brings you the latest news and events from Romania and the world. Keep up to date with the latest news by watching TV live on Romania TV.

Launched on 23 October 2011 by businessman and politician Sebastian Ghiță, România TV has quickly gained a loyal audience, especially among the elderly. According to an analysis by Forbes, 57.4% of the channel's audience is made up of people over 65. This can be explained by the fact that Romania TV deals mainly with politics and events in the country, which can be of interest to this group of viewers.

However, Romania TV is not only popular with older people. The channel also attracts a significant number of university graduates, with 20.4%. This is the lowest percentage in the TV news niche, which can be interpreted as their preference for other sources of information or a lack of trust in the objectivity and quality of the information presented by Romania TV.

Another aspect worth mentioning is the channel's female audience, which represents 51.6% of all viewers. This can be explained by the fact that Romania TV also deals with topics that concern women's everyday life, such as health, education or relationships.

However, Romania TV has often been criticised for its journalistic practices. The channel has been accused of misinformation, manipulation and bias on Romanian politics. In an article published in the newspaper România liberă in January 2017, political scientist Alina Mungiu-Pippidi criticised România TV for the way it uses phrases such as "live", "watch tv live" and "breaking news" to attract the public's attention, suggesting that they are used excessively and abusively.

In addition to criticism, Romania TV has also been fined by the National Audiovisual Council for breaching broadcasting legislation. These fines were imposed following broadcasts or reports deemed biased or inciting hatred or discrimination.

In conclusion, Romania TV is a private news channel in Romania which attracts a predominantly older audience. However, the channel has been criticised for its journalistic practices and has been fined for breaching broadcasting legislation.

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